3-3 Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Rosalie laughed when I told her I was concerned about Edward.

“He’s just going to go on being a mope,” she said. “Everything he does; he just trudges from one day to the next.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “How Carlisle could think I could ever put up with someone like that…” she trailed off, and then gave me a wan smile.

“Well, he loves Esme. He just…had high hopes.”

She snorted. “Carlisle’s a tyrant. Just a really, really polite one.” She slid back under the frame of Emmett’s car. She had a little light in a cage that was on a giant cord that stretched all the way into the kitchen. The light hung underneath the engine and made it glow from where I could see through the open hood.

“Would you hold this up for me? I need about two more inches above the jack.”

I looked at my hands, which Rosalie didn’t miss.

“You won’t get that much grease on them,” she said, and I could tell she was rolling her eyes somewhere beneath all the engine parts and belts.

I slid a hand under the car and lifted it up a few more inches.

“Thanks,” she said.

“So, about Edward.”

The only sound from under the car was the ticking of the instrument Rose was using to adjust whatever it was. It zipped and unzipped, like the sound our grandfather clock made when you wind it.

Slowly, the zipping stopped.

Rosalie pushed herself out from under the car. There was a little streak of oil or grease or something of that nature across the bridge of her nose and down the side of her cheek. Somehow, on Rose, that sort of thing just makes her look even more gorgeous.

“Honestly?” She wiped her face with the back of her hand. “I would stop worrying, Alice. All the rest of us have.”

We stared at each other a moment.

Then she shrugged, and slid herself back under the car.


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