Chapter 8, and a Promise

June 1st, 2020 § 1 comment

So, Midnight Sun is being released at the end of this summer, and it happens to coincide with a major lessening in writing demands for my work. In 2015, I got a job that required me to massively shift my writing energy for five years. (Google “publish or perish” if you don’t know about how this works!) It’s a great job, it’s what I trained for, and assistant professor jobs are very hard to come by and I am lucky. But it’s meant sidelining things I really enjoy, sometimes for time reasons and sometimes out of just sheer exhaustion of not being able to stand being at the computer for a minute longer.

But now, with my probationary period behind me, and my first academic book on its way back to the publisher, I am hard back at work on One Day, writing the way I used to before academic writing became my job. Chapter 8 has actually been written for years, and I am several chapters ahead of it now, barrelling toward the turn into Act III. I hope to have it done toward the end of this summer, just in time for people to sink into the Cullens’ world again with Midnight Sun and then continue right on to some vampire fanfic. So I am posting Chapter 8 as a promise that more is coming, and more is coming soon. The earlier chapters of this fic have been revised, and there’s some new meat there setting up things I realized I needed in the middle of the work.

I am not going to post more of this fic until it’s done, and when it is done, I will repost it here from the beginning and post it in other archives as well. But I’m posting a full chapter as a taste of what’s to come, because for some weird reason, many of you have not forgotten me, and I want you to know that I have never forgotten you.


§ One Response to Chapter 8, and a Promise

  • Anne Forlines says:

    So happy to read about what’s going on in your life! Huge congrats on your academic successes, the upcoming publication of your first book, and landing a professorial position. No easy feat, that. I’ll never forget reading Ithaca is Gorges. That and a few other special fics opened the most marvelous new world for so many of us, and I’m still part of a NYC group of fic readers and writers. Thank you for the gift of your writing, and much luck with the new book and job.
    Anne Forlines (“arfalcon”)

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