
Second Beach, La Push WA

“Over and over I feel as if my characters know who they are, and what happens to them, and where they have been and where they will go, and what they are capable of doing, but they need me to write it down for them because their handwriting is so bad.”

—Anne Lammott, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

I have written my whole life, and took my first creative writing course over fifteen years ago. For a while I toyed with careers in both writing and book publishing, but ultimately decided that my true love lay in academia, and I’ve kept the writing on the side.  I write adult literary mainstream fiction, which means that the topics and treatments you’ll find in my stories are intended for an adult audience, regardless of the rating of the piece. I place appropriate warnings on my fics, but request that you read with care.

Although I have read in other fandoms and am a fan of HP and all things Joss Whedon, it was Twilight that got me into the world of fic writing. I consider myself primarily a Carlisle writer, as he is the character with whom I feel the most connection. Here you will find updates about my work inside and outside the Twilight fandom, as well as an archive of my fan fiction (and perhaps, as we progress, snippets of my original fiction). Please feel free to poke around and enjoy. Comments are always appreciated.

A note about the theme: The WP theme “Oulipo” is created by Andrea Mignolo. Aside from simply being pretty, “Oulipo” comes from Ouvroir de littérature potentielle; roughly translated: “workshop of potential literature.” It is a French school of writers and mathemeticians who create works using constrained techniques. Although they are not quite the same “constraints,” I felt that fanfiction, especially my preferred genre of canon fanfiction, is a type of constrained writing technique, and thus this theme was doubly appropriate. So thank you for visiting my little “workshop of potential literature.”

About my Beta Readers

§ 6 Responses to About"

  • Jami Gold says:

    I wanted to thank you for the thoughtful posts on my blog about the ethics of fan fiction. While the invasion was overwhelming, the experience allowed me to connect with like minds like you. 🙂 I’m linking to you in my Thursday post.

    P.S. I’m very amused that you have copy protection on your blog. 🙂

    • giselle says:

      Thank YOU for the incredibly thoughtful post! You said so much that I’ve really fought and fought to figure out how best to articulate with regard to characterization and why simply changing a name doesn’t do the trick when it comes to borrowing characters from an established source. I think there will be another post here shortly, as soon as I put all this together in my head!

      I have the distinct feeling that I will be following your blog from now on. 🙂

      And hah! re: the copy protection. I put it on two years ago, promptly turned it off because it annoyed my readers and let’s face it, my fanfiction is for free—people can right click-save it all the heck they want. I turned it on about a week ago while debugging another add-on. Thanks for the reminder to shut it off again!

  • Deelovely says:

    My friend, I miss your lovely writing and hope you are doing well. I wanted you to know that I sent a link to your stories to a friend and it brought back lovely memories.
    Take special care!

    • giselle says:

      Thanks, Dee! You were very much on my mind not so long ago–don’t know if our mutual friend told you, but I recently moved away from DC and took some time to fill in a book with memories of all the places I’d been. There was this proliferation of entries of your visit that brought back great memories and made it a little easier to make the move. 🙂 Miss you!

  • ilovemycat says:

    Dear Giselle!

    I have read some of your writings and I’m fully in love with them! They are the best books I’ve read since 2012 (and I really mean it!). The characters are just so incredibly alive in your stories…all your writings seem so real – especially Stregoni Benefici…this story literally influenced my life, inspired me a lot and ensured me on my chosen path in life. For that I’m eternally thankful to you – and Dr.Cullen, of course ? It’s been already a year since I’ve read it and I’m still thinking about it, getting more and more questions in my head and reaching to your other stories and Tumblr too, to find the answers for them. I appreciated also ,,Ithaka is Gorges’’ a lot, so if I had to choose my favourites, it’d be these two.

    I love also your Tumblr – askcarlislecullen – it’s so amazing and feels even more real. Thank you so much for doing it and please, never stop!:)

    I’d like also to ask if you could share with us all of your writings (…for example ,,One Day’’) in pdf/mobi format? It’d make reading a lot easier?

    Thank you so much for all and please, keep writing and sharing this world with us – you’re making it alive ?


    • giselle says:

      Thanks oodles! And sorry for the delayed reply; my entire site broke. I love the challenge of doing front end engineering work but it took me a couple weeks to find the time.

      Most of the multi-chaps have PDF/Mobis on their main page. One Day does not because One Day isn’t done! It’s on Chapter 8 of probably 24 and I’m writing the rest of it before I post. Thanks so much for reading them and always feel free to share.

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