Canon Fodder Challenge Winners

May 10th, 2010 § 2 comments

Many, many, many thanks to all who participated in the Canon Fodder Challenge. Thank you to all who helped judge, including Ruby Wednesday, Elise Shaw, Scarlett71177, Justine Lark, Hoosier Mama, and TrainLindz. The winning stories, and all the other excellent entries, can be found at the contest page.

I’m still digging out from exams, which will be finished on Friday, 5/14. After that, expect to hear from me with a little article about the contest itself; why it was fun, what fics were my favorites, and why it’s restored my faith in fandom.

Rookie Category:

First Place: “Souls to Waste” by Kyrene once Blood Roses
Second Place: “The World According to Kate” by bonnysammy
Third Place: “Quiet Earthquake” by justaskalice
“Post Proelia Praemia” by fantasmeqrt
“One Night in Forks” by kittandchips
“Gifted” by la.tua.cantante.83

Veteran Category:

First Place: “Radiant Possibility” by Scarlett71177
Second Place: “We Who Are Left Behind” by Openhome
Third Place: “Rosalie’s Revenge” by javamomma0921

Judges’ Picks:

Rookie Category:
“Two Blushing Pilgrims” by carbrain

Veteran Category:
Close Your Eyes, Close Your Eyes and Relax” by lts29
“A Life Eternal” by CorinnaTFF
“Madonna and Child” by kimmydonn

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§ 2 Responses to Canon Fodder Challenge Winners"

  • Azucena says:

    Hmm but there are no links to the stories or where to find them, can you do links

    • giselle says:

      I haven’t had time to link the whole thing, although I’ll try to do that. But the words “at the contest page” are a link to the page with all the stories. (Sorry, my wordpress theme makes links sort of tricky to see. If I ever figure out how to fix that, I will.)

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