Notes for Stregoni Benefici, Chapter 19

August 30th, 2012 § 0 comments

Originally, I’d envisioned Stregoni as 27 3,000-word chapters–a perfect split. Three stories, three acts, three chapters per act. It will come amazingly close. The finished work looks to be shaping up to be 28 chapters plus an epilogue.

But I’ve deviated from the 3,000-word chapters a bit. Yet this one is one, and it feels strangely short to me, even though it is but a few hundred words shorter than last week’s. I keep looking for places to collapse this story a bit, and yet I keep finding each piece necessary, and too long to justify appending to the next. Carlisle and William need their time to have it out, but perhaps this is short for no other reason than that Carlisle, even as a human, is never capable of sustaining anger for long.


One of the most fun parts of writing Stregoni is getting a chance to explore Carlisle at twenty-three, when he had less wisdom and more fire…


…and could be a bit more of a tempest.

Since the chapter is short, I’ll leave my note short as well. As always, thanks to Openhome for her astute direction.

Happy reading.



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