Blog maintenance

August 30th, 2012 § 2 comments

Last week, I got a slew of spam registrations from one particular domain. No harm done; the users were deleted (along with several others that have sneaked in over the last year), but I did install a new Captcha to the registration page to discourage bot registrations to the site.

In the process, I updated all my plugins and broke the slideshow I was using for my front page. If you’ve been to the site in the last week or so, you may have noticed. As this was the first week of school, I haven’t had a chance to fix the slideshow yet, but I will find a new plugin that will work. In the meantime, enjoy the Johnson quote. There is no quote that better encapsulates my feelings about my own writing, especially my fanwork, and I carry it proudly on the cover of my nook and for the meantime, use it as my sole representation on this website.

Look for a new plugin (and maybe new quotes and photos? I might go crazy!) some time next week.


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