Notes for Stregoni Ch. 11

September 16th, 2011 § 2 comments

And so finally, we truly meet Edward.

There are a lot of things I’m moving with in this story that aren’t completely laid out for us in canon. One of them is, why Edward? He was seventeen, Carlisle really needed a companion, not a child, or at least, that’s what he thought he wanted. So I’ve chosen to focus a little more on the Carlisle-Elizabeth relationship (and to foreground it with Elizabeth Bradshawe!) so that the business of turning Edward becomes this passing of the reins from Elizabeth to Carlisle. A number of people asked why I chose Elizabeth’s POV as the second POV for 1918—this is why.

This chapter, for reasons unknown, took almost two months to pen (I write a chapter ahead—the chapter just completed was chapter 12.) It turns a page in this story, to be certain. From now on, this is as much Edward’s story as it is his sire’s.

Thank you to Openhome and Julie for their intrepid beta skills as always, and thank you to everyone for reading.


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§ 2 Responses to Notes for Stregoni Ch. 11"

  • Dee says:

    Ah, darling, you and I share this question about Edward and it is what drove me to fan fiction in the beginning. To have it answered by you, with your beautiful understanding of Carlisle’s heart, has been worth waiting for. Cappy and I will write each other and gush over every nuance and every word and wait expectantly for the next.

    • giselle says:

      Aww, thank you. And I am still working on, and will be anxious to deliver to you, the story with quite a *different* answer to that question… 😉

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