
May 21st, 2011 § 3 comments

Here goes nothing.

I’ve been doing a lot of alterations to the backend of this site; upgrading the CMS and the theme, and making some small tweaks to some of the ways pages load. One casualty of the CMS upgrade was my notifying software, which apparently hasn’t been rewritten to work with the latest CMS version. (Which I noticed when I put up a new chapter of “One Day the Sun Will Rise,” so if you’re interested in that, you may wish to mosey on over there. πŸ™‚ )

I’ve installed new subscription software which should provide pretty much the same functionality as the old–the ability to subscribe to notices instead of or in addition to becoming a “member” of the site. (I don’t really use the member feature at the moment, although I may in the future and will let you know.) At the moment, I pulled everyone who was on the old notification list onto the new one, but if you’d like to change your settings or unsubscribe, simply click on theΒ Β “Get Update Alerts” link.

And thank you, as always, for reading.

(who is crossing her fingers that notifications go out for this post)


§ 3 Responses to Subscriptions"

  • ashling92 says:

    Yep, notification did indeed go out for THIS post. But I am…not amused…that I didn’t find out about chapter 2 of One Day sooner. But that can’t be halped now and I will waste no time that I could spent reading said chapter with complaining about the delay. Fanfiction wouldn’t be possible without computers and everything, so I tend to see them as a blessing, though they have the ability to drive me up the wall!

    • giselle says:

      I like to think that they keep me humble. In fact, the first time I tried to send out notification about this, it didn’t go. And I spent a day pouting (on top of the three days I spent trying to figure out the problem in the first place). Then I realized I’d told the notifier not to send emails about any posts that were tagged as “site” and then promptly turned around and tagged this test post as “site.”

      :shakes head: Just when I think I’m smarter than the average bear…

  • foufymaus says:

    I got the notification, but not for the chapter update. LOL Its cool im behind on my reading anyway. The only problem i saw was that the notification was marked as spam via Thunderbird/Gmail. Luckily i go through my spam folder before i delete. πŸ˜€

    Now, i’m off to read the awesome update that i missed πŸ˜‰

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