“Da Capo” Teaser: 2nd Movement

March 3rd, 2010 § 3 comments § permalink

His reply was sharper than he intended, and Carlisle’s face clouded with hurt once again. Edward drew a deep breath and made eye contact. It was just after sundown, and Carlisle’s eyes shone in the waning daylight. They had been blue, Carlisle had once told him, and for a moment Edward busied himself trying to imagine them that way, instead of the saffron or obsidian that he was used to. He tried to imagine his father’s gaze looking on him with eyes looking like heaven itself—because that made sense for Carlisle—and he instantly felt ashamed.

“I’m sorry,” he muttered, looking downward again. “It’s not you. I just—I’m not ready.”

Carlisle stared at him again, his expression softening. You will heal, Edward. I know you will. Give it time. His hand floated unconsciously to his own left shoulder, and Edward winced.  Carlisle didn’t miss his expression.

This healed, too. He patted his shoulder. Quickly, in fact. But the heart takes longer. As does the soul.

The soul. Edward let out a frustrated growl. They weren’t supposed to have them. Vampires were damned creatures, or so the legends said. Not that very much was true about the legends, but Edward clung to this. And even if he hadn’t been damned when he’d set out running from the little house in Barre, wasn’t he undoubtedly damned now? How could one take nearly four hundred lives and still expect eternal forgiveness?

He had no soul.

New Signup Page

February 28th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

I’ve added a new feature to my site–the “Get Update Alerts” page. I wanted something very robust, so that everyone could decide exactly how much or how little or on which topics they wanted to hear from me. Thankfully, I found just the solution. All of you who are already members of the site have been added automatically to the alerts, but please feel free to adjust your settings or to unsubscribe completely if you wish. If you click on the link in any update e-mail you receive, you’ll be able to opt-in to notifications by topic. Only want to hear about “Da Capo?” Only want teasers? Just go for those categories.

I hope this enhances your experience of my new site. Thank you for visiting!

Eddies, Bellies, Indies

February 28th, 2010 § 2 comments § permalink

A short reminder to all who read here that the deadline for voting in the Bellies and Eddies is TONIGHT at 9PM Eastern. Make sure your votes are in! http://www.thecatt.net/tw/Vote.aspx

Also, the Indies end on Tuesday, March 2. Don’t forget to vote there, either. http://theindietwificawards.com/

Please go cast votes for the fics you love! The more people participate in these awards, the more meaningful they are to the authors who are awarded.

Twilight Gift Exchange

February 25th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

As many of you know, I participated in the winter Twilight Gift Exchange. I wrote a fic based on the prompts given to me by another author (which may or may not mean it’s different from the things I usually write!). The fics will be revealed on Monday, but before then, if you’d like to try your hand at guessing which fic is mine, head over to www.fictionators.com for their “Name that Author” challenge. Or, alternatively, feel free to post your guesses here. Have fun!